Farm Gleaning

Our goal is to increase access to nutritious, local produce for people experiencing food insecurity in the region

From Farm to Community

The Haitian Development Network (HDN) is thrilled to introduce our Community Farm Gleaning program, inspired by other international nonprofits. Our program is dedicated to reducing food waste and promoting food security in Haiti by harvesting surplus produce from local farms and distributing it to those in need.

Through the Community Farm Gleaning program, HDN works with local farmers to identify surplus or unmarketable crops. Our team of volunteers then harvest the produce. It is then distributed to local schools, orphanages, and other organizations that serve vulnerable populations.

The program not only helps to reduce food waste and promote food security but also provides a source of income for farmers who would otherwise have to discard their surplus crops. By working with local farmers, we also promote sustainable agriculture practices and strengthen community ties.

At HDN, we believe that reducing food waste and promoting food security is crucial to build a more resilient and equitable future for Haiti. The Community Farm Gleaning program is just one of the many ways we are working toward this goal.

We are proud to work alongside local farmers, volunteers, and community organizations to ensure that surplus produce is put to good use and that vulnerable populations have access to fresh, healthy food.

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Jaden Lakou Initiatives

Click on the projects below to explore what Jaken Lakou is doing for Haiti

Fruit Tree Project
Community Orchard
Farm Gleaning
Seed Library
Community Food Project
School Workshops