SOHADERK Methanized Biogas Project 2023

Report on SOHADERK‘s sustainable, renewable energy project to fight climate change through the production and use of biogas in Haiti

With funding received from HDN Foundation in 2023 SOHADERK was able to achieve the following:

Main Measurable Results to Date

  • 1 unit producing biogas from methanization
  • 1 education school garden set up
  • Conditions met for widespread use

Excavation for biodigester construction

Construction of the brick aerial dome and completion of the Biodigester building

Digging the underground section of the Biodigester

Construction of the brick aerial dome and completion of the Biodigester building

Feeding the biodigester built with chopped organic matter

Schoolchildren taking part in the school garden

Project Description

SOHADERK‘s project, entitled “Setting up a methanized biogas system in the commune”, has laid the foundations for a system to popularize and raise awareness of the use of renewable energies and the fight against global warming. In this way, it has seized existing opportunities to meet the challenges and constraints of project implementation, while optimizing opportunities linked to the availability of inputs for the biogas system, such as animal waste and excrement (rabbits, pigs, chickens, oxen), kitchen waste and crop residues for biogas production. The biogas produced will be used as an energy source for cooking food in the community school canteen, to generate electricity for the farm and the biodigestates have been used to produce compost and liquid fertilizers.

The implementation of this project contributes to:

  • Encourage the use of methane gas in the home as a substitute for wood fuel, kerosene and propane.
  • Valorize animal excrement, kitchen waste and harvest residues from the farm into high-quality compost that replaces chemical fertilizers,
  • To improve the living conditions of working women, farm day laborers and children at the community school.
  • Equip the farm with a bio-digester system that will make it self-sufficient in gas, solve electricity problems and reduce the need to buy gas for cooking.
  • Combating global climate change.

Project Status

Activities linked to the construction of the biodigester, the selection of potential beneficiaries, the establishment of a community garden with schoolchildren from the community school and the preparation of content for the popularization of project results have been successfully completed. However, delivery of equipment for the purification system and the various gas distribution terminals is a little behind schedule. For the time being, we have not yet started using the gas.

Major Challenges

Insecurity and socio-political problems represented major challenges in the development of activities and the supply of certain inputs for the poultry house, including the acquisition of the incubator for hatching eggs. To deal with these problems, we opted for bulk purchases of inputs so as not to have to travel regularly to acquire them. For the incubator, we had to wait for the country’s security situation to improve until July 2023.

Project Impact

The project has a positive impact on the community:

Environmental impact

  • Combating climate change through the use of renewable energy;
  • Reducing pressure on wood resources, combating erosion.

Socio-economic impact

  • Improved access to energy, time savings for beneficiaries;
  • Reduced indoor air pollution in kitchens and homes (respiratory and eye infections);
  • Job creation and poverty reduction.

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“Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.”

Proverbs 29:18

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HDN Foundation's Support

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