Community Food Project

Removing structural barriers that hinder access to healthy food for everyone

Food justice to all

Haiti is a signatory  to the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights. This means that every Haitian should have the ability to eat with dignity. Indeed, every human being should have equal access to safe, healthy, and culturally-appropriate food.

We are passionate about what we do because we understand that when families succeed, entire communities flourish. By supporting these hardworking individuals in achieving self-sufficiency, we can make a lasting impact on poverty reduction and food security.

If you would like to learn more about our initiative or find out how you can get involved, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Together, we can create a brighter future for families, smallholder farmers and their communities.

Interested In Volunteering?

We are always open to hearing from new people!

Jaden Lakou Initiatives

Click on the projects below to explore what Jaken Lakou is doing for Haiti

Soil Amendments
Community Orchard
Farm Gleaning
Seed Library
Community Food Project
School Workshops