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HDNdigest 6
We are closing the year with this sixth issue of HDNdigest. Consider the useful information and enriching materials in it our holiday gifts to our faithful followers. For your reading, viewing, and listening pleasure, we offer, among other interesting items:
— in the Spotlight section, the profiles of two brilliant Haitian American engineers, Lourdes and Yves Charles, followed by a video interview of these two successful professionals in which they highlight their educational itinerary, discuss their work history, describe an engineer’s varied occupational activities, and share the secrets of professional success;
— in the Opportunities section, a series of articles on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the best ways to take advantage of this growing field of wealth;
— in the New & Noteworthy section, following a piece on 12 influential young Afro-descendant artists, writers and entrepreneurs in The New York Times, we highlight a series of events, articles, interviews, videos and so one on these important figures in our world today: Ruth E. Carter, Mr Eazi, Zhong Feifei, Omar Victor Diop, Nnedi Okorafor, Adamma and Adanne Ebo, Mory Sacko, Grace Wales Bonner, Lesley Lokko, Toheeb Jimoh, Nkuli Mlangeni-Berg.
It has been quite a challenge for the two co-editors to put out the digest in four languages and in three formats (written, audio and visual) while handling other professional responsibilities and everyday obligations. We tried our best to rise to the challenge and searched far and wide to bring content that would enrich your minds and shore up your finances. Still, we think we can make the digest an even better publication if we have more collaborators (an urgent necessity as a matter of fact) and if we have more time to plan, research, write, and publish each issue. Consequently, beginning in January 2024, we will make HDNdigest a monthly with a denser and more varied content that our subscribers will value even more and continue to read, listen to, and watch with pleasure.
Happy holidays to each and every one of our subscribers!
The co-editors, Asselin Charles and Jean Jonassaint
The HDNdigest is a publication of Haitian Development Network designed for a composite readership consisting of people interested in, and supporting of, the economic, social, and cultural progress of Haiti and in the advancement of Haitians and Haitian descendants, both in Haiti and abroad.
In addition to promoting Haiti, Haitians, their descendants, and communities, HDNdigest has three sets of objectives:
- To inform its readers, especially members and supporters of Haitian Development Network, about the organization’s activities, which include recent achievements, ongoing projects, and planned initiatives;
- To inspire and motivate its readers to support development initiatives for Haiti and Haitian communities;
- To suggest promising pathways for Haiti, Haitians, and Haitian descendants in such key areas as communication, community building, economy and finance, education, energy, entrepreneurship, food production, health, housing, transportation, etc.
Materials included in this publication are in English, French, Haitian Kreyòl or Spanish. Whenever possible we will provide French and English versions of editors’ texts that are more than two paragraphs long. Machine translation of various writings is available by simply clicking on the desired target language (French, English, or Spanish) — the current technical conditions do not allow us to provide automatic translations in the Haitian language.
Two co-editors, Asselin Charles and Jean Jonassaint, assume oversight of the content and form of the materials published in this biweekly. They may also contribute short essays or information pieces. Other materials included in the publication are contributed by volunteer collaborators or taken, with requisite attribution, from open sources on the web or in the public domain.
The HDNdigest is an online bimonthly published every first and third Thursday of the month from February to November; on the first Thursday of December; and on the third Thursday of January.
The HDNdigest will be delivered free of charge directly to subscribers’ emails. In addition @, readers can access the publication directly online or download it onto their device to be read, listened to, or printed.
Contents of This Issue:

For Haitian news, some Haitian media accessible online:

This is a piece that spotlights an individual (Haitian preferably but from any national or ethnic origin) or an institution (Haitian or non-Haitian) that has accomplished something worthy of admiration or emulation for the benefit of our collectivities.
Alternatively, instead of a short essay on an exemplary individual or institution this section may offer a short Q & A interview of said individual or representative of said institution.
The profiles of two brilliant Haitian American engineers, Lourdes and Yves Charles, followed by a video interview of these two successful professionals in which they highlight their educational itinerary, discuss their work history, describe an engineer’s varied occupational activities, and share the secrets of professional success.

A series of articles on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the best ways to take advantage of this growing field of wealth.

Activities and productions worthy of attention: publications, exhibitions, shows, conferences, etc.
Following a piece on 12 influential young Afro-descendant artists, writers and entrepreneurs in The New York Times, we highlight a series of events, articles, interviews, videos and so one on these important figures in our world today: Ruth E. Carter, Mr Eazi, Zhong Feifei, Omar Victor Diop, Nnedi Okorafor, Adamma and Adanne Ebo, Mory Sacko, Grace Wales Bonner, Lesley Lokko, Toheeb Jimoh, Nkuli Mlangeni-Berg.
HDNdigest Archives

This section offers readers documents (articles, books, videos, films, webinars, podcasts, etc.) from various web publications in English, French, Haitian Kreyòl or Spanish, that highlight inspiring actions and initiatives from all over the world in the fields of education, economy and finance, food production (agriculture), infrastructure, communications, science, housing, entrepreneurship, community building, etc.
For each piece a headline is provided over either a short summary or the lead paragraph, followed by the link to the original source of the document on the web.
Today, in this section, we are highlighting two inspiring stories. The first is about Heman Bekele, a 14-year-old Ethiopian-American middle school student who has invented a skin cancer fighting soap and was named “America’s top young scientist.” The second story is about Vivien He, a California junior high school student who has invented a cheap earthquake warning device, a gadget that can save lives in earthquake prone parts of the world.

This is a directory of resources for readers seeking information and useful contacts to achieve success in various occupational endeavors.
Three health topics concerning our everyday life, presented by doctors of “NewYork-Presbyterian”
Bonne lecture!
If you have any comments or suggestions, do not hesitate to write to us. In advance, thank you very much.