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March on Washington

A must-see on Madelen, the “Marche sur Washington” (March on Washington) a 26-minute French TV documentary, directed by Serge Viallet and Julien Gaurichon (2017).
On this remarkable document, in a note by the INA (Institut National de l’Audio-visuelle), we read:
“I have a dream!” these words of Martin Luther King have gone down in history. This issue of “Mystères d’archives” (Archival Mysteries) allows us to understand the context in which they were pronounced, and to return to the issues of the “March on Washington” which took place on August 28, 1963, and led to a conclusion in July 1964 with the civil rights law.
But these 26 minutes offer more than a return to a decisive moment in the struggle for civil rights in the United States, it is also an incredible lesson in journalism.
Claude Moïse
On this section, to read or listen to two typewritten excerpts from the imposing autobiography of the Haitian historian, Claude Moïse, Ce que je croyais, ce que je crois encore. Liberté, citoyenneté, solidarité (What I Believed, What I still Believe. Freedom, Citizenship, Solidarity, 2023), which has just been published by CIDIHCA editions. We thank Messrs. Voltaire and Moïse for allowing us to reproduce them. In passing, we salute the author for this courageous act, so rare in Haitian literature: telling his life story.
Bonne lecture ! Bonne écoute !
Bonne lecture!
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